Monday, October 26, 2015

Xiongさん:にほんに なにが ありますか。
Xiongさん:あのう、かまくらだいぶつは なんですか?
Xiongさん:ああ、そうですか。どこに ありますか?
わたし:かまくらに ありますよ。ぼくは かまくらに いきました。
Xiongさん:あのう、はとさぶれは なんですか?
わたし:Dove shortbreadです。ぼくは たべましたよ。 おいしいクーキーですね。

Tuesday, October 6, 2015

When I was in Japan six weeks ago, I ate a lot of Japanese snacks. I really found the Japanese versions of some snacks that I eat in America really interesting. One of them is Pocky. The middle Pocky's Katakana says "buruuberii" for a blueberry flavor and the right Pocky says "raichi" for the lychee flavor. I also really enjoyed the different types of Kit Kat. My favorite was "banirabiinuzu," or Vanilla Beans. I wish these Japanese versions were more popular here in America.