Monday, October 26, 2015

Xiongさん:にほんに なにが ありますか。
Xiongさん:あのう、かまくらだいぶつは なんですか?
Xiongさん:ああ、そうですか。どこに ありますか?
わたし:かまくらに ありますよ。ぼくは かまくらに いきました。
Xiongさん:あのう、はとさぶれは なんですか?
わたし:Dove shortbreadです。ぼくは たべましたよ。 おいしいクーキーですね。

Tuesday, October 6, 2015

When I was in Japan six weeks ago, I ate a lot of Japanese snacks. I really found the Japanese versions of some snacks that I eat in America really interesting. One of them is Pocky. The middle Pocky's Katakana says "buruuberii" for a blueberry flavor and the right Pocky says "raichi" for the lychee flavor. I also really enjoyed the different types of Kit Kat. My favorite was "banirabiinuzu," or Vanilla Beans. I wish these Japanese versions were more popular here in America.

Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Post 4. ぼくは Arthur Binardさんの よみきかせの エヴェントに いきました!

せんしゅう の げつよび Arthur Binard さんの lectureに いきませんでした。でも、せんしゅうの すいよびは よみきかせに いきました。

I attended Arthur Binard's poetry reading last Wednesday. I was very impressed with Mr. Binard's Japanese skills and his accent. He really sounded like a native speaker. The event was a little overwhelming though because they were speaking so fast in Japanese, and since I'm on my 6th week of Japanese, I was a little lost. But he did read the poetry in English, too, which was nice. Some day, I would love to have the skills and fluency in Japanese of Mr. Binard.

Monday, September 21, 2015

Weekend Recap! 3-0 babyyyyyyy

こんにちわ、みなさん。ごぜん にじよんじゅうろくぷん です。Calculusの テストを べんきょうします Coleman-Morseで。:( I'm very tired. どようびにノトラダムダイガクノ フットバルノ ゲイムわ 楽しかったです。The football game was a lot of fun. Georgia Tech is way overrated, so I'm glad we beat them pretty handily. にちようびに べんきょうします、そして しゅくだい します。Hope everybody had a good weekend! Good luck on tests this week! がんばって!!!!!

Tuesday, September 15, 2015

3rd Post

こんにちわ、みなさん。これわ ぼくの routineです。
ぼくわ おきます。おふろ しゃわあを あびます。はを みがく。かおを あらう。あさごはん たべます。くらすに いきます。としょかんで べんきょうします。ろくじに ばんごはん たべます。ぼくわ ともだちと てれびを みます。ぼくわ たいでい ごぜん じゅにじに ねます。

Monday, September 7, 2015

2nd Post

こんにちわ!はじめまして!ぼくは めるくりおです。いちねんせいです。ふぃりぴんぎんです。ぼくのせんこうは けいざいがくです。どぞうよろしくおねがいします。

I love a lot of stuff from Japan, but if there's one thing that comes to mind when I think of my favorite Japanese things, it is a Japanese drama called Rookies. If you don't know, baseball is really big in Japan. Japan even won the Little League World Series about a week ago. Rookies is about a high school baseball team full of delinquents who eventually turn away from their criminal ways and together try to achieve their dream of going to Koshien, the most prestigious high school baseball tournament in Japan. I love sports, and Rookies was very inspiring for me. From the picture, you may think it looks pretty lame (a bunch of guys with their shirts off), but don't judge me. If you watch it, you WILL cry at the end.

Wednesday, August 26, 2015

First Post

Konnichiwa! My name is Raffy Mercurio, a Freshman. I decided to study Japanese because I spent six weeks in Fujisawa, Japan in the summer of 2014. I was enrolled in a foreign exchange program, so I lived with a host family. Ever since that experience, I've decided that I want to study Japanese in depth so that I can return to Japan and speak the language.